The research surgery for the charity sector


Blogging primarily about the UK voluntary sector, giving to charity, and research

7 years ago I had a vision...

7 years ago I had a vision of a world where data helps charities have more impact. After spending over 20 years as a researcher in the charity sector I felt like I had a pretty good grasp of the data and a pretty good grasp of the way charities work. But the bit that I felt was missing in the sector was how to really exploit good data for maximum impact. So I created The Researchery with that in mind.

7 years on I have worked with some amazing people and organisations doing incredible things, and together we have broken new ground and created new knowledge to help other charities on their journey to ultimate impact.

I am still learning and I hope that you are too! Let's go on a journey of discovery together and see what we find... Check out my pages to see past projects and contact me with your ideas of, or queries about, how we could work together to achieve greatness with data!

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