The research surgery for the charity sector



Assessing the collective impact of the UK Community Foundation network


“By 2019 UK Community Foundations had, collectively, granted over £1 billion over the lifetime of the network to local voluntary and community sector organisations. Taken together, the network is currently the fourth largest grant-maker in the UK. This singular achievement, alongside the sustainability granted by a total combined endowment of over £690 million, might persuade many of the ultimate success of Community Foundations in the UK. But are these financial measures the only parameters of success for Community Foundations? If not, then by what additional yardsticks should we judge the collective impact and added social value of UK Community Foundations?”

The value and impact of the UK Community Foundation network

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The Researchery set out to assess the impact Community Foundations have on the communities they serve. How this impact is measured, assessed and portrayed viewed by Community Foundations; and whether a sense of the collective impact of the UK Community Foundation network is possible. The report reviews the evidence collected by Community Foundations, both individually and collectively, and finds that while definitions of impact vary across the UK Community Foundation network there are many commonalities which allow a degree of collective impact to be measured.

See Infographic below


Highlights include:

  • Over 15,000 people give in a significant way through Community Foundations

  • 107 new endowment funds were established in 2019

  • £58 million was gifted into endowment funds in 2019

  • £14.7 million was distributed by Community Foundations through national programmes on behalf of eight different partners (including government)

  • There were 4,829 funds under management by Community Foundations in 2019

  • Nearly 1 million beneficiaries potentially benefited from funding that came through Community Foundations in 2019

To learn more about Community Foundations visit the UKCF website by clicking the button below.


Impact evaluation in focus

Measuring impact has become an important fact of life for many charities, but all too easily it can become a tangled and complex web of jargon and incomprehensible metrics. At The Researchery we believe that a practical and straightforward approach to impact assessment is the most efficient and effective solution for both charities, project teams and funders. We believe that YOU are the best judge of what impact you are making! We can help you to transform this into an action plan for greater impact.

Contact us today to discuss how The Researchery could help you realise more impactful projects and practice.