The research surgery for the charity sector

Capital Grant Funding


The state of capital grant funding

Research commissioned by the Clothworkers Foundation


Clothworkers Foundation article about the research

Capital spending on infrastructure is a vital indicator of any sector’s health and sustainability. It signals hope and confidence in the future. But while government trumpets extra public spending, the voluntary sector pays remarkably little attention to its own infrastructure investment, according to recent research by Cathy Pharoah, Catherine Walker and Richard Jenkins.
— Clothworkers Foundation

This report, commissioned by The Clothworkers' Foundation in 2015, analyses the state of the UK's capital funding for charities. The main finding was that despite its importance for the future sustainability of the UK charity sector, capital grant funding had taken a particular hit in the funding climate at that time.

Download the report below or take a closer look at the article by clicking on the ‘Learn More’ button.


Capital Grant Funding report

Capital Grant Funding report


The foundation world in focus

There are some 7,500 - 10,000 registered trusts and foundations in the UK (depending on your definitions).

There are a small number of large grantmakers which give out public money - e.g., The National Lottery Community Fund (formerly the Big Lottery) is the single largest grant maker in the UK giving out around £580 million in 2021-22; while the various Arts Councils in England, Scotland, Wales and N. Ireland distribute over £500 million of Grants-in-Aid from central government money. There are also a large number of "private" grantmakers which may be set up and run by companies, families or individuals.

Cat's research in this area includes 9 years working on Charities Aid Foundation's Charity Trends publication tracking the UK's top grantmakers, and 8 years working on the successor to this: Foundation Giving Trends, as well as assorted other projects.